Updated Guidelines
Clarification No. 2/BRAP 2017
Dated: 19th September 2017
Levies imposed by State and Local bodies including those at Panchayat level (other than subsumed under Goods and Services Tax)
This is regarding the ambit for the action points 407 to 414 under the BRAP 2017.
For current year’s exercise
The following levies should be incorporated on the online portal by the States/UT’s. No levies at the municipal or panchayat level to be covered during the current year.
1. State Excise
2. Profession tax
3. Receipts under State Motor Vehicles Taxation Act
4. Stamps and Registration fees
5. Taxes and duties on Electricity
Kindly note that this is only for the current year exercise for which October 31 is identified as deadline.
Appropriate evidence should be uploaded displaying compliance for the above levies under these points.
For next year’s exercise
For BRAP 2018 the scope shall, however, be extended to include all levies which constitutes more than 10% of total revenue of a Zila panchayat/ parishad or a municipality having population of not less than 500,000 in accordance with the latest census.
Clarification No. 1/BRAP 2017
Dated: 13th July 2017
I. A reform that has not been implemented by the State/UT must not be submitted as ‘Not applicable’.Wherever a response to a reform point is N/A, supporting documents such as notification etc. should be provided as evidence.
II. The submission of the State/UT on a recommendation (reform measure) must be comprehensive and complete in itself. Since they are being evaluated individually, it should not refer to evidence/remarks submitted in any other recommendation.
III. Response to a clarification sought by DIPP should also be complete in itself and should also include all relevant evidence submitted previously. The portal does not create threads of past information and mere incremental responses are difficult to evaluate.
IV. Office Orders/Circulars/Notifications to implement a reform would be considered only when signed and issued on or before 31st October, 2017.
V. The URLs/links submitted as evidence should not direct to the homepage of portal, rather to the exact link on the portal.
VI. On timeline related reforms, descriptions mentioned in the implementation guide would be the reference point for evaluation of each recommendation. Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act or equivalent has to be passed for defining timelines whereverapplicable. Any notification, order, citizen charter from the state as evidence shall not suffice.
VII. In case multiple documents need to be uploaded, they may be combined into a single PDF and uploaded
VIII. When submitting evidence of implementation of online system related recommendation, State/UT Governments are encouraged to provide following evidences (any one):
For any service where the State/UT has up to 10 applications in a year, they are not required to develop an online system. But all the other recommendation related to the service including procedure, document checklist, and timelinehas to be adhered to by the State/UT.The States/UTs are requested to submit a letter signed by Competent Authority stating that under the particular service, there are only up to 10 applications ina year. Such States will receive a N/A.
As part of BRAP 2015 and 2016, all States/UTs had to make provision of uploading inspection reports on the portal within 72 hours/48 hours. The reports must have been uploaded by the inspector on the online system. Hence, as part of BRAP 2017, all States/UTs are required to “Allow establishments to view and download submitted inspection reports of at least past two years”, that is from the year 2015 and not prior to that.
In many instances, DIPP has noted that the links/URL provided by States/UTs as evidence in 2016 is not working. Hence, all States/UTs are requested to upload the evidence again as part of 2017 reforms after checking all the evidences (i.e. links and documents) before and after uploading to make sure they are valid and functional.
Kindly check the reform area and recommendation before uploading evidence as the numbering may be different. DIPP is updating the website and any inconvenience caused is regretted.